NKJV Scofield Study Bible III/Large Print-Hardcove

The easy-to-read large print format (10.5 point type) is perfect for public reading or personal devotions.
Pagination and design match the standard Scofield Study Bible III, NKJV Bibles exactly, making it perfect for group study.
Over 100 factual articles, charts, and lists put a wealth of fascinating information at readers' fingertips.
A subject-based topical chain reference system follows major themes throughout the entirety of Scripture.
Nearly 70 in-text black-and-white maps orient the reader to geographical references in the biblical text.
Notes crucial to understanding the Scofield are formatted as accessible, in-text articles.
Sixteen pages of accurate, full-color New Oxford Bible Maps (with an index of places and natural features) illustrate the biblical world.
Bottom-of-the-page study notes permit quick retrieval of interesting data.
Select NKJV Concordance.
Expanded introductions include detailed outlines of each book.
this style can also serve as a thoughtful gift
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The easy-to-read large print format (10.5 point type) is perfect for public reading or personal devotions.
Pagination and design match the standard Scofield Study Bible III, NKJV Bibles exactly, making it perfect for group study.
Over 100 factual articles, charts, and lists put a wealth of fascinating information at readers' fingertips.
A subject-based topical chain reference system follows major themes throughout the entirety of Scripture.
Nearly 70 in-text black-and-white maps orient the reader to geographical references in the biblical text.
Notes crucial to understanding the Scofield are formatted as accessible, in-text articles.
Sixteen pages of accurate, full-color New Oxford Bible Maps (with an index of places and natural features) illustrate the biblical world.
Bottom-of-the-page study notes permit quick retrieval of interesting data.
Select NKJV Concordance.
Expanded introductions include detailed outlines of each book.
this style can also serve as a thoughtful gift
Scofield C I
4 Items

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